Leftover Chapati and Vegetable Cutlets

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As the Ramadan fasting is going on, there will be many dishes which will be left over and so one among these are the chapatis which we almost always end up wasting. Last couple of days we have been wasting the leftover chapatis, but I felt bad doing that. So I decided to do something and googled many sites and hit upon this recipe, which can be made easily within minutes.

Many recipes can be made with leftover chapatis, but I liked this as I didn’t have much time left before the Iftar time( breaking the fast). Believe me I made this dish within half an hour including the pics.
This is a very nutritious preparation with all the veggies stuffed in the cutlets.

Instead of egg, we can roll them in semolina or else dip them in egg and roll them in breadcrumbs or corn flakes. As I didn’t have any of these I simply dipped them in eggs and shallow fried them. This turned out to be a yummy iftar dish which I am sure I will repeat for sure. You can freeze the uncooked cutlets and can be made any other day.
  1. Left Over Chapatis- 5 nos
  2. Onions- 2 nos
  3. Cabbage- ½ Cup
  4. Carrots- 2 nos
  5. Green Chillies- 2 nos
  6. potatoes- 2 nos
  7. Red Chilli powder- 2 tsp
  8. Semolina- 2 tbsp
  9. Salt- as required
  10. Egg- 1 no
  11. Lemon Juice- 1 no
  12. Oil- for shallow frying

  1. Blend the left over chapatis in a hand blender coarsely.
  2. Chop the vegetables (cabbage, carrot, onions and green chillies) in the blender and keep this aside. Boil, peel and mash the potatoes.
  3. Mix the powdered chapatis, vegetables, mashed potatoes, red chilli powder, semolina, lemon juice and required amount of salt well.
  4. Divide this into round balls and spread it on your palm in the shape of tikkis. Meanwhile beat the egg along with salt in a bowl.
  5. Heat oil for shallow frying. Dip these tikkis in the egg mixture and fry this slowly in a pan. Serve hot along with tomato ketchup and enjoy.

Sekian blog yang dapat saya bagikan tentang Leftover Chapati and Vegetable Cutlets

. biar tetap update blognya silahkan berkomentar Di Nasuha Blog sekian dari saya permalink untuk post kali ini adalah https://nasuhafikri.blogspot.com/2015/07/leftover-chapati-and-vegetable-cutlets.html


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