Cheesy Ham and Bacon Cake

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Cheesy Ham and Bacon Cake

A great picnic standby, now that summer is here! Better still eaten warm with a salad. So versatile and easy. No Cornish elements to this, I am afraid but I did use Davidstow cheddar!

Grease then line the long sides [hanging over to help lift it out] of a non stick 2lb loaf tin.
Pre heat your fan oven to 160C

The cake is done in stages. Prepare each stage before making the “cake”.

In a frying pan, lightly fry until soft:

3 oz finely chopped bacon
1 med-large onion, finely chopped
[I used a teaspoon of chilli infused oil, to add a little extra depth of flavour]

Set aside for a mo to cool.

In a measuring jug, whisk together:

4 large eggs
4 fl oz white wine
4 fl oz sunflower oil
sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste

In a bowl, place:

12 oz plain flour
1 teaspoonful baking powder
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
6 oz chopped ham [I used a chunky offcuts pack from Aldi]
5 oz grated mature cheddar

Tip the cooled bacon and onion into the flour and cheese. Mix well, then beat in eggy mixture.

Make sure everything is well combined and tip into your prepared tin and bake for about 1 hour.

Just yummy. Easily halved if you want to make a small cake in a 1lb tin. You may need to reduce the baking time a little though.

After I made this, I took it along for afternoon tea at the Friday Bridge Club I attend. It did go down well!

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