Takanori Nishikawa x Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Be affected English lyrics/translation

Pada kali ini saya mau share tentang Takanori Nishikawa x Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Be affected English lyrics/translation. Dan berjumpa lagi dengan saya di blog Nasuha Blogdan bagi teman teman yang ingin blog ini update terus silahkan berkomentar ya . .. ^_^ Baca juga tentang postingan saya sebelumnya :
Not a thing, not a thing will change in this world
Yourself, others and the results are all affected by each other
(which makes the shape of this world)

There's only one element of your own will
What you have in mind now, your humanity
Do you think they could have (been what they are)

Just scare for now
Yeah uh nah yeah
Karamiau negai wo koete
Mae ni susumu yuuki wo
Ima tokihanate
Just scare for now
Yeah uh nah yeah
Overcoming our entwined wished,
Release the courage,
to continue forward!

(No such life that can live by itself
All lives and things are linked with each other
Thanks to this world)

(Yourself and ego are actually being affected)
by what is around making it as what is now
(Your thoughts, the results that come from it)
They're gonna be all granted by what is around you

(All) the things in this world
(oh this world)

Being given our lives being educated
Being fed being fed
Encountering people
They make us what we are today
All being made up by fate

Just scare for now
Yeah uh nah yeah
Hibikiai tsumuida kibou
Mae ni susumu yuuki wo
Ima tokihanate
Just scare for now
Yeah uh nah yeah
Resound this spinned courage to each other.
Release the courage,
to continue forward!
No official lyrics. These are reproduced by ear.

Takanori Nishikawa x Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Be affected English lyrics/translation
Japanese lyrics

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. biar tetap update blognya silahkan berkomentar Di Nasuha Blog sekian dari saya permalink untuk post kali ini adalah https://nasuhafikri.blogspot.com/2018/10/takanori-nishikawa-x-fear-and-loathing.html


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