Roti Kepang Swiss (Swiss Sunday Bread / Zopf)

Pada kali ini saya mau share tentang Roti Kepang Swiss (Swiss Sunday Bread / Zopf). Dan berjumpa lagi dengan saya di blog Nasuha Blogdan bagi teman teman yang ingin blog ini update terus silahkan berkomentar ya . .. ^_^ Baca juga tentang postingan saya sebelumnya :

I have written  this post over a year ago. The reason I haven't uploaded until today is because I have difficulty to explain how to plait / braid the bread. Honestly if you find it difficult to understand both the words or the pictures please feel free to put it in loaf tin or shape is as you wish or braid it the way you want it. 
Again this recipe was from my dear Swiss friend, Simone. We made it together in the beginning and I have made a few since. This bread is really for Sunday breakfast, but of course you can have it anytime. Toasted or as it is, specially when it is fresh with jam or on its own. This bread is so fragrant with butter and yes, it is very good. Thanks again Simone.

Bahan - Bahan / Ingredients

1 kg tepung protein tinggi (Cakra kembar)
1 kg high protein flour (Cakra kembar)

11 gr Yeast (1 sachet Fermipan)
11 gr dried yeast ( 1 sachet Fermipan)

1 sdm gula
1 tbsp sugar

120 gr mentega (tawar atau asin, tinggal mengatur garam)
120 gr butter (salted or unsalted, then adjust the salt)

2 - 3 sdt garam (2 sdt saja jika menggunakan  mentega asin)
2 - 3 tsp salt (2 tsp if you use salted butter)

600 ml susu cair (saya pakai Ultra Full Cream)
600 ml milk ( I use full cream milk)

Cara membuat  /  Preparations

Campur tepung, yeast dan gula sampai rata
Mix well the flour, instant yeast and sugar in a bowl.

Lelehkan mentega dengan 100 ml susu kemudian masukkan sisa susu dan garam, aduk sampai garam larut, pastikan hangat kuku tidak terlalu panas.
Melt the butter with 100 ml milk then add the rest of the milk and salt, stir until dissolved, make sure the milk mixture is luke warm not too hot.

Uleni tepung dan campuran susu sampai menyatu, membentuk bola dan tidak lengket
Knead the flour and milk mixture until incorporated and form a ball, not sticky

Banting adonan dengan cara memasukkan ke lima jari, angkat kemudian dibanting, lakukan minimal 30 kali atau sampai permukaan adonan kelihatan benar-benar halus
Grab the dough with five fingers, lift and slam it down on work top with a force repeat this process for at least 30 times or until the surface of the dough is smooth 

Istirahatkan selama 45 menit atau sampai mengembang 2 kali lipat.
Leave the dough to rise for 45 minutes or until double in size

Mengepang / plaiting

Ini adalah bagian yang paling sulit untuk menjelaskannya, jika kurang jelas kata-katanya, gambar-gambarnya akan banyak membantu.
This is the most difficult part to explain, if the description is hard to understand please refer to the pictures.

Potong menjadi 2 bagian, kemudian gulung dengan kedua telapak tangan dari arah dalam keluar. Usahakan sama panjang. 
Cut the dough in two equal size, then roll with your palm, from the middle outward to form a long roll (approximately 60 cm), try to make the same length.

Cross in the centre
Silangkan tepat ditengah

Put top right end to left low and low left end to top right, as shown above. 
Letakkan ujung kanas atas ke kiri bawah dan ujung kiri bawah ke kanan atas, seperti gambar di atas

Then put top left end to right below and low right end to top left. 
Kemudian letakkan ujung kiri atas ke kanan bawah dan ujung kanan bawah ke kiri atas

Continue until no more dough is left
Lanjutkan sampai lipatan habis

Lipat bagian ujung ke arah bawah dan tekan supaya menyatu.
Fold the end downward and press slightly to tighten up.

Letakkan diatas loyang yang telah dialasi kertas roti
Put on baking tray with parchment paper

Biarkan istirahat selama 20 menit agar mengembang.
Leave to rise another 20 minutes

Olesi dengan telur 
Glaze with the egg wash thoroughly but gently

Panggang dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan 180 C selama 40 - 45 menit atau sampai kecoklatan
Bake in preheated oven 180 C for 40 - 45 minutes or until golden and ready.

Sekian blog yang dapat saya bagikan tentang Roti Kepang Swiss (Swiss Sunday Bread / Zopf)

. biar tetap update blognya silahkan berkomentar Di Nasuha Blog sekian dari saya permalink untuk post kali ini adalah


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