Christify (Lyrics and Chords)

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Song Title "Christify"
Music and Lyrics by Manoling Francisco, SJ
Album: Christify
Category: Offertory
Intro: G - A/G - F#m7 - Bsus B Em - Asus - D - G/B - D - G/B

Verse 1
D                 G/B                     D  G/B

Christify the gifts we bring to You,
D                   G/B                 Am7  Dsus D7
Bounty of the earth, receive anew.
G                           A/G                F#m7 Bsus B7
Take and bless the work of our hands.
Em                 Asus      A             D       G/B Asus
Christify these gifts at Your command.

Verse 2 (Same Chords as Verse 1)
Sun and moon and earth and wind and rain:
all the world's contained in every grain.
All the toil and dreams of humankind,
all we are we bring as bread and wine.

Verse 3 (Same Chords as Verse 1)
Turn the bread and wine, our hearts implore,
to the living presence of the Lord.
Blessed and broken, shared with all in need;
all our hungers, sacred bread will feed.

Verse 4 (Same Chords as Verse 1)
With this bread and wine You Christify,
now our deepest thirst You satisfy.
We who by this bread You sanctify
draw the world for You to Christify.

2018 Catholic Songbook

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