Mango Avocado Salsa

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The only perks of India summers in my humble opinion is the availability of stone fruits. Pears, peaches, cherries, plums and to top them all Mangoes. Plump and juicy, this saffron beauty has made it's royal entry in the vegetable and fruits stores and piles after piles of different varieties tempt me even more to come back home with a few bags full of this king of fruits. Churned into a shake for breakfast, grilled on a grill and served with some whipped cream for dessert or cut into slices to snack on any time of the day and my summers are good. The newest addition to my mango mania is this Mango and Avocado salsa. All it takes is 5 minutes to chop the mangoes, avocado, onion and tomatoes and you have a brilliant snack ready.

There is a lot of entertaining happening at my place off late and this salsa has become my favorite snack option. It goes really well with nachos or any other crackers and is a breeze to make. Here is how to make this delicious salsa.

All you need is

Mango - 1 cup ( peeled and cubed into small pieces )
Avocado - 1 cup ( skin removed and cubed into small pieces )
Onion - 1\2 cup ( finely chopped )
Tomato - 1\2 cup ( Finely chopped )
Fresh coriander - 2 tbsp ( chopped )
Green chili - 1  ( finely chopped )
Salt to taste
Lemon juice - 2 tsp

Method of preparation

Mix all the ingredients gently in a bowl.
Serve immediately with nachos or any other crackers.

You can also make this salsa  1-2 hours prior to serving. In that case, do not add salt and lemon juice and keep the salsa in an airtight container in refrigerator. Add salt and lemon juice just before serving.

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