Brill, skordalia

Pada kali ini saya mau share tentang Brill, skordalia. Dan berjumpa lagi dengan saya di blog Nasuha Blogdan bagi teman teman yang ingin blog ini update terus silahkan berkomentar ya . .. ^_^ Baca juga tentang postingan saya sebelumnya :

Skordalia is Greek, a thick mash of potato and  garlic.
Pre heat the oven at 160C.

Per person: 1 potato, 1 clove of garlic (but I used 2 cloves pp).
Use the point of a big kitchen knife to mix the garlic with some coarse sea salt. Then press and press and press to turn into a paste.
Boil the potatoes.

Fry the fish in butter for 2 mins on its white skin.
Turn and put in the oven for 12 mins.

 Drain the potatoes. Add garlic, milk, the juice of half a lemon and a gluck of olive oil and mash.

One can serve it with a nice salad or roasted vegetables. If so inclined. But around the Mediterranean a potato is seen as a vegetable, so...

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