Cold pea soup, salmon mousse

Pada kali ini saya mau share tentang Cold pea soup, salmon mousse. Dan berjumpa lagi dengan saya di blog Nasuha Blogdan bagi teman teman yang ingin blog ini update terus silahkan berkomentar ya . .. ^_^ Baca juga tentang postingan saya sebelumnya :
First we need to cut a big onion, a fennel bulb and 3 garlic cloves and sweat them softly in a bit of oil. In the meantime put 200 gr frozen peas into boiling water and boil for a couple of minutes.
Drain. Mix all ingredients and add enough chicken stock to make a nice thick soup, using a blender.

Then shred 100 grs smoked salmon pp with creme fraiche and a tbsp mayo. Use the blender to make the mousse. Add some finely chopped celery and chives.

Serve as shown at room temperature. Crumble a bit of dried fried onion on top. With some salad leaves or watercress for decoration..

Inspired by Racine Restaurant, Tillac, SW France

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